Tuesday 9 April 2013

My Story - The Manor and the Man

“But why did we have to move mum?”exclaimed Rosie in an exasperated voice.                                                                                                                                    “I told you dear” sighed her mother “Your father has a new job in the country”.                                        “That’s right” mumbled her father. This is stupid thought 14 year old Rosie Jones, why her family have to move to a massive big house in the country, away from all her friends and family she just didn’t know. Her Dad’s job wasn’t that important.                                                                                                                          “Are we there yet?” she pestered. “2 minutes Rose” laughed her father, “and I thought you were too old for that”.
That night as Rosie lay in her horrible big new bed in her horrible big new room she was reading. She was reading an old news article she’d found in a box in her room. It was about a young girl about her age 20 years ago called Millie Aston. She had been abducted and supposedly murdered but the police had never found a trace of her.  Oh and she had lived in Rosie’s house. Rosie felt a shiver down her spine as she read this. Supposing the killer was still here? What would happen if he came after her? Then she went straight to sleep and forgot about it.
A few weeks later and Rosie was finally settling down. Her parents had been worried about her but she had made friends at her school and was kind to everyone in the village.
Then she was gone.
Her parents called her on a Thursday to ask what time she would be home from her night out but her friends said she’d never gone to the cinema. It was like a repeat of Millie Aston. They called the police and they started combing the house and grounds to find her. Her distraught parents did not think the efforts of the police was enough, so they hired the private detective Grace Ingles to see if she could help them.
“Hello Mrs Jones, I am Grace Ingles. I believe you called? I hope you do not mind, but I brought my niece and helper, Lilly. She has left school and her mother died so she is under my care. May we come in?” The fragile Mrs Jones was taken aback by this sudden introduction.
“Well yes, hello, do come in” she mumbled in reply.
 “Thank you very much, and good to meet you” said the teenage girl who breezed in after Grace, “I’m Lilly, by the way.”Mrs Jones shook her head in disbelief and followed obediently.
“So when was the last time you saw your daughter?” asked Grace.
“The morning of the day she left for school” said Amy Jones calmly.
“OK, we are going to have a look around, if that’s OK” said the detective as she rose to leave.
“Right, first I want to look at her room” whispered Grace, as Lilly bounded up beside her. As they stepped into Rosie’s room, Grace had a look of deep sadness on her face. The room was exactly as the young girl had left it on that fateful Thursday morning. As Lily scanned the room there was a cry from Grace. “I thought so” she exclaimed, picking up a piece of paper off the floor. “I’d heard about this case before.”  “What have you found?” asked Lilly.  “Listen to this Lilly, Millie Aston was a girl who lived in this house 20 years ago. She was abducted too, from this same village, but she was never found.”
“And you think there’s a connection between that girl’s disappearance and Rosie’s?” gasped Lilly in admiration.
“Well it’s only a hunch” replied Grace, “but I do want to talk to everyone in the village who was around 20 years ago”.

“It annoys me when people don’t answer their doors” shuddered Lilly as she and Grace stood outside one of the few houses in the little village in the freezing cold.
“Hello Miss, sorry to disturb you, we are investigating the disappearance of Rosie Jones from the Manor house. Can we ask you some questions?” asked Grace as the door finally inched open.
In the third house they visited they got what they were looking for.
“Why, yes, I’ve been here over 20 years with my old girl”, said the old Reverend Davis. AS Grace looked round the room she found herself asking “so did you know Rosy, Revered Davis? “.
“Why, yes, she used to come and sit with Edith and me, and chat in the evenings. So nice to hear how the young minds think, you know”.
“OK, thank you. Do you mind if I have a look around” asked Grace for a second time as Lilly stood beside her.
“Please do” replied the old man. As Grace walked round the room she suddenly thought
“So where is your wife at the moment Reverend, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh um she’s at oh what’s it called oh, the Town Council meeting that’s it” was the hesitant reply.
“Ok thank you for your time Reverend” said Grace hastily as she ushered Lilly out, “we’ll go now”.
“Well” said Lily as they trudged their way up to the big house. “What did you think of our little excursion”?
“Oh it was good” answered Grace. “I think I learnt a lot”.
“Lilly” asked Grace as they sat round a table in the parlour of the hotel they were staying at.
“Uh huh”replied Lilly sleepily for it had been a tiring day.
“Did you notice anything strange about that house?”asked Grace eagerly.
“Well to be honest no” mumbled Lily. “Did you?”
“Yes, a lot” was the unhappy sounding reply.”There was the fact that he never made a comment about this 20 yrs ago even when we asked him if he’d been there, and also the fact that he didn’t know where his wife was”.
“Do you think he did it?”asked Lilly who was now thoroughly interested.
“I don’t know Lil, I just don’t know”.
The next day Grace was uneasy and restless. Lilly was worried because all she was doing was pacing up and down the room thinking and whenever Lilly asked if she could help, Grace bit her head off. Then suddenly she exclaimed “Aha I’ve got it”
“Please Lilly it’s the only way to catch this awful person, you’ll be safe all the time!” pleaded Grace as she tried to get Lilly to co-operate with her plan.              
“N o spells no” was Lilly’s very stubborn answer “I will not be used as bait to try and lure in an abductor to try and kill me!” she added for extra morale. This was after Grace had proposed to Lilly that they use her to pose as a 14 yr old girl and pretend she was the Jones’ adopted daughter in replacement of Rosie, therefore luring in the abductor and catching them.
After a lot of persuasion and promises Lilly finally gave in.
“Ok ok I’ll do it” sighed Lilly. “But only if we can go home afterwards”.
After that they enrolled Lilly in school as the “new girl” of 14 in the village. Then they only had to wait a few days. Grace had put a tracking device in Lily’s shoes so they always knew where she was and what she was doing. Then a couple of days after she’d done that Grace noticed something strange going on with the tracker. Lily wasn’t going the agreed walk home through the field. She had stopped and was now moving very fast left.
“Right lets go find our abductor” smiled Grace as she started off following the tracker to where Lilly was. As she was walking Grace suddenly realised something. She had been so stupid and put Lilly in so much danger by making her be bait! Then Grace started to run. The tracker led her to a clearing where it said Lilly was. Grace looked around her cautiously and then suddenly heard a muffled attempt to make a sound coming from her left.
“Thank you” was all the Jones’ could say when Grace brought back an undernourished but stable Rosie, A very angry Lilly and an even angrier Mrs Edith Davis.
Yes although Lilly had thought it was Mr Reverend Davis who had came up behind her and put her hand over her mouth and stopped her screaming it was actually his wife who was following young girls around. Edith Davis had been hiding Rosie Jones and Millie Aston in her cellar with gags around their mouths and very little food and water. Unfortunately Millie Aston hadn’t survived the 20 yrs she had been kept down there. She claimed she did it because of the young daughter she lost when she was walking home from school. She said she had wanted revenge on the world.
“So all in a good day’s work I think” chirped Grace as she and Lily made a sound as if to say “Indeed” as they packed the car to go home and to solve another mystery.

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