Monday 8 April 2013

read me and riddle me.

books. reading. that's my thing :) I'm the kind of girl who's interested in everything. Particularly history. Because how better to understand yourselves, than by understanding how you came to be the way you are? And isn't that history. But sorry, back to books, I have been reading ever since i was a tiny girl, when my mum used to read me books, and gradually the mess of letters above her finger separated into words, and made sense. I threw myself into a world of Enid Blyton, and J.K Rowling, preferring to be amongst Darrell and Sally, or Lavender and Hermione than the stupid girls who were beginning to create cliques throughout the school playground. As time grew on my tastes developed and I began to explore older writers, enjoying Adeline Yen Mah and Jacyln Moriarty. I developed a likening towards adult thrillers, using the intrigue to mystify myself.

I prefer reading to writing, but I do like to write. I don't seem to be able to write like others can, so I prefer to read :D

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