Tuesday 9 April 2013

My Story - The Tennis Girl

The Tennis Girl
An extract from a story I have yet to write.
It was a perfect day for it, the sun was shining the wind was calm and the world was waiting as the 14 yr old child star Rosie Boswell stepped out onto the court. Her mother and father waited anxiously in the stands nearly breaking each other’s hand with excitement. As for Rosie she was thinking win. That was all she had to do.
“C’mon Rosie” she said to herself “it’s not hard”. It was the final of junior Wimbledon 2009 and this match was all that stood before her and the Championship cup for 3 yrs running.
“It wasn’t my fault” she screamed as her mother sighed at her for the 100th time today, “the other girl had an amazing serve”.                                                          “Yes I know dear it’s just you could have done so well”
As Rosie stomped up the stairs to her room her mind was racing with unhappy thoughts for tennis, her mum, and the world. She had lost the match this afternoon and her mum had been giving her a hard time about it ever since. She flopped down on her bed and sobbed, she sobbed till her heart could sob no more and cried herself to sleep.
The next morning was back to training, 2 hrs in the Gym, 5 hrs on the court and then another 2 hrs in the gym. Only then could she finally rest. She went through this every day with the bare minimum amount of schooling, no holidays and no friends.  She just didn’t have the time. She knew her Mum and Dad were doing what was best for her but she did sometimes think they were depriving her of her childhood.                                 

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